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Silvio Haufe

Old Man

Age: 46 | Jan 6, 1979

Nationality: Germany

Weight Class: Light Heavyweight

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 195 lbs

Professional Record

5 fights3 wins2 losses

Fight Details

LOSS3 - 2Max SchlegelLa Onda - MMA GladiatorsMarch 15, 2015TKO (Punches)10:00
WIN3 - 1Stefan MaliSF - Saxony Fights 2March 02, 2013TKO (Punches)Thomas Wichmann12:52
LOSS2 - 1Mark GlischinskiSF - Saxony FightsSeptember 29, 2012TKO (Rib Injury)Thomas Wichmann11:47
WIN2 - 0Jens MullerFFC - On TourApril 25, 2009KO (Punch)11:18
WIN1 - 0Ken MahlerFFC - All or NothingSeptember 30, 2007TKO (Punches and Knees)Henryk Kretzschmar10:37