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Jeffrey Pedro

Age: 45 | Jan 30, 1980

Nationality: Holland

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 218 lbs

Professional Record

6 fights0 wins4 losses

Fight Details

LOSS0 - 4 - 2Baray ArslanShaolin Ryu - Fight Club Den Haag 2011June 02, 2011Decision (Unanimous)25:00
LOSS0 - 3 - 2Nick StruveCF - Combined ForcesOctober 07, 2006Submission (Armbar)10:00
DRAW0 - 2 - 2Paul OguchukwuRings Holland - Two Heroes, One WinnerOctober 03, 2004Draw00:00
LOSS0 - 2 - 1Sam TurkyRings Holland - I Have a DreamNovember 30, 2003Submission (Heel Hook)11:30
LOSS0 - 1 - 1Husein CiftKam Lung - Fight GalaApril 06, 2002KO10:00
DRAW0 - 0 - 1Michael KnaapKam Lung - Only The Strongest Survive 3September 29, 2001Draw10:00